Thursday, December 3, 2009

Decking the Deck and Tree

I really try to enjoy every moment this time of year. I see how much joy it brings my boys and it helps to really cherish these times. My five year old told a boy on his bus who said Santa doesn't exist that he was going to get coal for Christmas. In our home we Believe!

Bringing out all the ornaments brings back so many memories. Many of these are from my childhood. Santa is plastic but I love his sweet face. He opens up and when I was young one Christmas he came with a dollar inside. Back then I could buy a lot of candy with a dollar.

I collect snowmen and gingerbread men love them they are perfect. These men don't talk back they just smile. I adore glass ornaments and I try to add a new snowman every year. In this photo I also have a reproduction Scott Smith ornament. He's the snowman with holly leaves. I love Scott's work and someday I'd love to have an original. Wishful thinking!

The last ornament is so special. My Aunt made this dough Christmas Clown ornament. She is a wonderful artist and I adore her and her fantastic work! She used to do craft shows now she just makes for family.

That's our deck and no snow yet! I finally finished my orders and I'll post some photos tomorrow. Have a Merry day everyone!


Lisa said...

How funny, and thanks for bringing back some of my own memories. I knew you had to be decking something.

Jeanne said...

How fun! Your kids will cherish the memories they have of Christmas. :0) Including Santa! I don't think one ever stops believing....

Beautiful ornaments. Thanks for sharing.

greekwitch said...

Ooh! So sweet. Your baby sure told him, huh?

Rue said...

I love pulling out the tree decorations. So many familiar shapes and faces. I can remember where almost every one came from!

Suzie said...

How festive it all looks!! I love that you still have some special ornies from when you were younger too. And that your newer ones each have a story too. That makes decorating the tree even more meaningful.

And, you had better fold that umbrella because snow is one the way! It is snowing here now, and is to continue overnight and tomorrow, with a total of 4 inches. Then there is a great chance of snow each day and night over the weekend, and all next week.

Winter has arrived in Michigan! Tell your boys to get out their boots and mittens! :-)

Brenda LaBell said...

Becca, everything looks so pretty and festive!!! I still have to go buy a tree, ewwww. Sure wish Walmart delivered. Have a wonderful weekend and enjoy the decorating!!


magikalseasons said...

Suzie we got just a light dusting of snow. Wow lucky you 4 inches. My boys would be thrilled to get that much! :)