I want to Thank Wendy over at
http://www.thehalloweentree.blogspot.comThanks I'm thrilled! She is having a fantastic giveaway so please go check out her blog!
So here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Copy the Logo and paste it to your blog.
3. Link to the person who gave you the award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself no one would really know.
5. Nominate 7 "Kreativ Bloggers".
6. Post links to the 7 blogs.
7. Leave a comment on each blog so they know you nominated them.
7 things about me:
1. I am silly just ask my kids!
2. My garden is organic and wild. I have sage and basil drying on my fridge.
3. I hide poems in my artwork. This helps me to bring them to life.
4. I am a cat person who can no longer have them. I miss them all: Nightshade,Luna,
Cobweb, Shadow, Hekate & Spooky.
5. Sometimes my dreams come true.
6. When I feel down I think of my Great Grandmother's. One had 14 children my
Grandfather being the youngest. He was born in Poland in a Field. She had him and
then finished her work for the day.
7. I am a great cook. Polish or Greek you pick!
So here are my 7 Bloggers
http://www.autumnforestghosthunter.blogspot.com http://www.mlbetterly.blogspot.com http://www.midnightdreams1089.blogspot.com http:www.yorborobo.blogspot.com http://www.brightblessingswiccans.blogspot.comhttp://www.shabbyhagdecor.blogspot.comhttp://www.midnightfarm.blogspot.comI look forward to reading about all of you! :) Becca