Thank you so much Halloween Spirit of www.
spiritofhalloween.blogspot.com for this wicked and wonderful award that originated with Gourd Queen!
According to Halloween Spirit I'm to pass this award on to 10 blogs I adore. That's hard to do because I follow so many wonderful bloggers, artists and all around wonderful people!
So here's my 10
1. http://
anostalgichalloween.blogspot.com/ a lovely blog who is also an owl fan!
2. http://
ambitionsdesign.blogspot.com/ Dani love your spooky creations!
3. http://
lisanelsonart.blogspot.com/ I love your use of vivid color! I'm a fan!
4. http://
primpumpkin.blogspot.com/ I love Jennifer's Halloween creations!
5. http://
sweetbfolkart.blogspot.com/ Amelia's blog is pure sweetness and her art is yummy!
6. http://
retrorudolphs.blogspot.com/ Lori's vintage inspired Halloween art can't be beat!
7. http://
gaillackey.blogspot.com/ Gail's work is amazing it's all in those spooky eyes!
8. http://
hohohalloween.blogspot.com/ Jorge's Halloween art is to die for!
9. http://
lightandshadowstudio.blogspot.com/ Tammy really shoots for the moon with her art!
10. http://
halloweenalchemy.blogspot.com/ Iva's creations are pure Halloween magic!
Here's the rest
1. Accept the award then post it on your blog with the name and link of the person's blog who shared it with you.
2. Explain the award.
3. Then share the award with 10 blogs that make you SCREAM! Please tell them what makes them special and why you adore them. Be sure to let them know they received the award.
I understand if many of you are to busy for this! Love you all any who!