I want to Thank Wendy over at http://www.thehalloweentree.blogspot.com
Thanks I'm thrilled! She is having a fantastic giveaway so please go check out her blog!
So here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who gave you the award.
2. Copy the Logo and paste it to your blog.
3. Link to the person who gave you the award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself no one would really know.
5. Nominate 7 "Kreativ Bloggers".
6. Post links to the 7 blogs.
7. Leave a comment on each blog so they know you nominated them.
7 things about me:
1. I am silly just ask my kids!
2. My garden is organic and wild. I have sage and basil drying on my fridge.
3. I hide poems in my artwork. This helps me to bring them to life.
4. I am a cat person who can no longer have them. I miss them all: Nightshade,Luna,
Cobweb, Shadow, Hekate & Spooky.
5. Sometimes my dreams come true.
6. When I feel down I think of my Great Grandmother's. One had 14 children my
Grandfather being the youngest. He was born in Poland in a Field. She had him and
then finished her work for the day.
7. I am a great cook. Polish or Greek you pick!
So here are my 7 Bloggers
http://www.midnightfarm.blogspot.comI look forward to reading about all of you! :) Becca
Thanks! That was cool. I love all the things you listed about yourself. I love knowing other people who are complex and interesting.
Loved reading your 7 things. I adore all your kitty cat names...perfection! Sorry you can't have them anymore. I have one, Coventina and she is wonderful, though her fur does make my nose itch. Your cooking sounds divine...now I'm hungry. And I am still in shock over your grandma...ha! Eeegads! That's a WOMAN! :o) Have a great weekend!
Hi Becca! Thank you so much! :) I loved reading your 7 things. How cool that you hide poems in your work - and I will be right over for a meal. Polish or Greek - they both sound yummy!! xoxo Pam
HI Becca!
Thanks for the award!
I loved reading all about you~ always cool to here about other people's 'secret's'!!!
Blessed be~
<|:-) Lori
Aww thank you Becca! You are so sweet and talented too! Love that you hide poems in your art work. What time is dinner? Either will be fine.
Congrats, that was fun to read.
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