I was super excited to find this Witches Brew at my local store today! Here's what the bottle says Leelanau Cellars Witches Brew.
A spiced red wine that simmers with the allure of an Autumn's eve. Our special recipe, when served warm, fills the night air with the spirits of cinnamon, cloves, and nutmeg, dispelling the chill of the season.
Fire up your cauldron and heat this brew to the temperature of a witch's tongue,
but do not boil, lest the enchantment be undone. Bewitched!
Here's where you can find more info. on this wicked wine.
The Hickories in our yard are at peak color! I love the golden tones and an added bonus are all the critters that enjoy these nuts. My kids call the nuts eyeballs when the nuts drop they are green.
Have a wicked and colorful day everyone!
Num num! I usually go to the local specialty grocery or the Cost Plus Imports and pick up a couple six-packs for the month of pumpkin ale--very tasty stuff!
Oh! I'm SO happy that you found that wine! I bought some last year, and then stocked up again during the Summer, when it was on sale!
I used one bottle of it to make wine jelly! It is excellent spooned over a nice block of cream cheese, that you scoop up with crackers. Yumm!
And not knowing if it would be a limited edition or not, I even saved one of the bottles to display some bittersweet and other dried Fall blooms. lol Love that label!!
I hope that you enjoy it!!
What a great find! I hope you're saving the label!
And your Hickories are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing. :0)
I'm so glad to here that it's good. I need to get some pumpkin ale too! Jelly wine sounds really good!
The trees are just magic. How beautiful....did someone say wine? Yummy!!
Going to see if I can find some of this weekend. The trees are gorgeous!
I have left something over on my blog for you.
OH, I want a bottle of this wine! I love that label! And we have walnut trees in our woods. When you drive down the road, and they drop on your car, you just about have a heart attack. :) It's like a baseball hitting it. LOL! I just love your pumpkin pictures. Pumpkins make me happy. :) xo Pam
Oh, it is good! I just got back from taking my Mom to the grocery store, and saw a display of wine, with Witches Brew featured. Then I rounded the corner, and there is some Ichabod Crane Ale! You can bet that I'll be going back to the store in the next day or two! lol
Last Fall, I had two coffee urns going on weekends, that I had gotten years ago, for cold weather get togethers. In one, I poured fresh apple cider and spices, the other, a couple of bottles of Witches Brew. .oooh, the rooms smelled SO good! Of course, the wine tasted good too! lol
If you want to try making some wine jelly, just let me know, and I'll share the recipe that I used!
Did you make it to Ghoultide? What was calling your name, but you resisted? What was calling your name, that could not be ignored? lol
I've left you a little surprise on my blog, whenever it is convenient for you to come and pick up!
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