I was hoping these were Lumina Pumpkins but I believe they are from a Jack be little Baby Boo mix. I planted so many types I'm not sure what I'll get. I'm super happy to have any I hope the critters don't eat all of them. Have a great day everyone! We're getting big storms today!
Those are so cute - love the pics. :)
I hope the critters leave them alone. I didn't plant pumpkins this year, but I have gourds (they just sprung up from seeds from last summer's crop). I love to see them, fall is coming!!
Oh, send your storms here! We're having a "non-soon" instead of "monsoon" season. The pumpkins are sooooo cute! I'm writing a scene in my horror novel right now where the heroine is attending to a garden of about 100 pumpkins. I get to live vicariously through her. I had to take down my veggie planter (bermuda grass invasion) so I'm trying to invent a new way to grow in raised planters that won't be affected. I can't wait till next year. I have luck with melons, I'm hoping I can grow pumpkins, but it gets so darn hot in the desert, they burn if you don't drape them with shade cloth. Keep photographing your "babies," I like to see them growing.
Pam I wish I had gourds. I love the bird house kind. I enjoy watching the wrens nesting. On a morbid yet fasinating note, earlier in spring we had robins nesting under our deck. One of our many owls(a small one) came out during the afternoon and had a baby robin snack. My son watched in horror. What could I say owls have to eat too! That little owl picked off 2 more of those robins. One was left and a giant crow got that one. That's my yard in the woods! One a brighter note I love hearing the owls at night they are enchanting!
Autumnforest I'd love to send you some much needed rain! Your novel sounds amazing!:) If you can grow melons I'm sure you can grow pumpkins. Even here in Michigan I plant my pumpkins in the shade. The patch I had in the full sun dried up even though I waterd all the time!
i have pumpkin envy. something has eaten every single pumpkin blossom! i don't know how i missed never signing up to follow you but i am now! sorry it took so long!
Jaz sorry about your pumpkins! Last year all mine got eaten. My 4 year old planted some old seeds I had and he got one pumpkin off his planting last yr. It's such a bummer when you put so much love into the garden and it gets eaten. I had 24 different kinds of tomatoes I have 8 plants left. The deer and whatever ate them.
Oh how fun is that!! I planted flowers with compost from my pile this year - last years pumpkins from the store were in there.. My pumpkins and gourds are EVERYWHERE!! It's amazing - I'm soooo excited!! Hope yours make it too!!! Whoo hoo!! Sarah
I am soooo jealous!! I'm beginning to worry about my pumpkin plants. Lots of flowers but no sign of any fruit :(
Yours are looking lovely though :)
Oh Becca! Baby Pumpkins! Lucky you! Between the July monsoons and the squash beetles, all my plants have withered. {{ sob, sob }}
I hope yours grow to all their gorgeousness! :0)
Lovely picture. I just put it up as the wallpaper on my computer! Thanks for making my day.
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