Sunday, March 11, 2012


How do you pick a wine? Does it matter what the bottle and label look like? Well, it does matter to me. I was looking at cheap wine and came across this bottle. By cheap I mean $5.49!
I love this wine it is Twisted. The taste is peachy and sunny and it leans toward Spring and Summer, which I am looking forward to! So cheers my blog friends happy Sunday!
On another note if you don't see me in blogland too much it is because I am having family and computer issues. Both I hope get resolved soon after all Spring is about renewal.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Halloween And Monster Legos

Grim Reaper, Jack O' Lantern Man, Werewolf! How cool are these spooky fellows.
My sons love legos now we can all get excited about collecting these! Witch, Mummy, Werewolf, Vampire and Frank. I found these on ebay. Just search Halloween legos! The Vampire and Witch are my favorites. What's yours?