He's upset I can't blame him! That's not your average worm. Yep he's a Jack O Lantern worm. What can I say I think by now most of you know I'm a little twisted! Watch out for worms!
Chair Land! Just finished painting this colorful lady. Her seat is a hand and yes she has boobs. What can I say I'm not the maker just the painter. Wishing everyone a colorful day!
I'm in a Halloween mood! This Pumpkin Man has a real dried pumpkin stem as his body. He was so much fun to make. Now if I could find a source for dried pumpkin stems I'd be all set. I'd make a tribe of these. Humm... maybe I should google that!
Spring is going to spring here tomorrow. So in honor of Spring and bunnies and chicks and such I made this Etsy Treasury. http://www.etsy.com/treasury_list.php?room_id=120140 Wishing you all a creative and joyful weekend!
I'm not sure why this guy is pumpkin butt he just is. He just sprouted from the patch. And yep I'm glad I added the eyebrows! I'm working on the other Pumpkin Man his body is a real stem! And lots of ornaments: cats, owls, skulls, jols, acorns. Wishing all a Springy Spooky day!
Nothing blooming here yet. I'm so ready for Spring! I've been working on some new Magic Mushroom Men and some fall goodies. I'll post some pics. later on this week. Wishing everyone a wonderful day.
Finally finished these Folky Easter Eggs! You'll notice a Deviled Egg in there. He does have a tail. Well, what can I say I'm weird! There's a bad Egg in every bunch! These guys are now in my Etsy.
I'd love to finish these but a nasty flu bug will not leave our home. Maybe I should make some paper mache flu bugs maybe they would go away then. Ok enough about that! I decided to make the Deviled Egg in Spring colors instead of Red. I think he fits in better. The Raindrop is April Shower with his flower. He was supposed to be for the Magical Holiday Artists team giveaway but he won't be done it time. I'll have to swing something else. If you don't follow our team blog you should! Our giveaway is coming up and we will have many Spring Delights! Find us here http://www.magicalholidayartists.blogspot.com Oh and the fish ornament is for a friend. I'll have to make more for all my southern friends. We used to Christmas in Florida it was a nice change. Sea shells on the tree love that!
Happy March! Sun is out snow is melting and bunnies and eggs are taking over my house. I've got to get back to painting eggs! They have all sold Thank You!